Weather & Traffic information sources
Weather Information
For up to the minute weather information call:-
09068 505 301 Forecasts for the London area.
09065 200 601 London weather forecast, &
09065 300 280 24 hr London forecast by fax.
Calls cost 49p per minute between 8.00-18.00, Mon-Fri. and 39p per minute all other times (as at 1/97).
Traffic Information
For regularly updated London traffic information
TEL: 0336 444 900 -Premium Rate
Call cost 49p per minute between 8.00-18.00, Mon-Fri. and 39p per minute all other times (as at 1/97).
Telephone Information Services Ltd.
TEL: 0207-613 6000
FAX: 0207-613 6006
TIS provide weather and traffic information for all parts of the UK. By calling the above general enquiries number you can obtain the appropriate telephone numbers which provide weather and traffic information for any part of the UK that you intend to visit.
The Royal Automobile Association.
TEL: 0870 572 2722
The RAC produce route planning maps designed for any journey you plan to make in the UK and Europe; these can be ordered by telephone.